SAVOIR - Sold Out
Edition 12+2AC
81 X 104 cm
Hahnemühle Photo Rag Ultra Smooth paper, 305 gms
Printed by The Final Art Print, Bussum
Walnut wood frame
I found my inspiration for Les Créatures Vivantes at a cabinet of curiosities called La Maison Deyrolle, a taxidermy shop in Paris founded in 1831. A different universe. A world where it's easy to imagine that all animals come alive at the end of the day, when visitors and employees have left, the lights are turned off and the doors are locked. A place where things happen that we don't know about.
Animals played a significant role in art history. In this series I have created my own reality, where realism and surrealism blend together effortlessly. Because of the idiosyncratic approach, the use of color and the eye for detail, these images have an alienating element in an almost picturesque style, I invite you to look beyond the surface.